Points on Circumference

Example source code

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script type="text/javascript">
var ctx = null, game = null;
var mouseX = 30, mouseY = 20, radius = 5;
var pointList = null;

window.onload = function() {
	game = document.getElementById('game');
	ctx = game.getContext('2d');
	ctx.font = "bold 10pt sans-serif";

	pointList = pointsOnCircumference(mouseX, mouseY, radius);

	game.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) {
		// Store the position of the last mouse click for reference
		var prevX = mouseX;
		var prevY = mouseY;

		// Get the position of the mouse click on the page
		mouseX = e.pageX;
		mouseY = e.pageY;

		// Find the offset of the Canvas relative to the document top, left,
		// and modify the mouse position to account for this
		var p = game;
			mouseX-= p.offsetLeft;
			mouseY-= p.offsetTop;

			p = p.offsetParent;
		} while(p!=null);

		// fit the real mouse position to our 10x10 grid
		mouseX = Math.floor(mouseX / 10);
		mouseY = Math.floor(mouseY / 10);

		// If the previous grid click was the same tile as this one, change the radius
		if(prevX == mouseX && prevY == mouseY) { radius = (radius < 12 ? radius+1 : 3); }

		// Update the list of points on the circles circumference
		pointList = pointsOnCircumference(mouseX, mouseY, radius);

		// Show a list of points for information
		var htm = '';
		for(p in pointList)
			htm+= '<li>' + pointList[p][0] + ', ' + pointList[p][1] + '</li>';
		document.getElementById('pointList').innerHTML = htm;


function pointsOnCircumference(cx, cy, cr)
	var list = new Array();
	var x = cr;
	var y = 0;
	var o2 = Math.floor(1 - x);

	while(y <= x)
		list.push([ x + cx,  y + cy]);
		list.push([ y + cx,  x + cy]);
		list.push([-x + cx,  y + cy]);
		list.push([-y + cx,  x + cy]);
		list.push([-x + cx, -y + cy]);
		list.push([-y + cx, -x + cy]);
		list.push([ x + cx, -y + cy]);
		list.push([ y + cx, -x + cy]);

		y+= 1;

		if(o2 <= 0) { o2+= (2 * y) + 1; }
			x-= 1;
			o2+= (2 * (y - x)) + 1;

	return list;

function drawGame()
	if(ctx==null) { return; }

	// Clear the Canvas
	ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 400);

	// Draw the grid
	ctx.strokeStyle = "#999999";
	for(y = 0; y < (400/10); ++y)
		for(x = 0; x < (600/10); ++x)
			ctx.rect((x*10), (y*10), 10, 10);
	// Draw the points on the circles edge
	ctx.fillStyle = "#ff9999";
	ctx.strokeStyle = "#ff3333";
	for(p in pointList)
		ctx.rect(pointList[p][0] * 10, pointList[p][1] * 10, 10, 10);

	// Show some information...
	ctx.fillStyle = "#ff0000";
	ctx.fillText("Circle at " + mouseX + "," + mouseY + " radius " + radius, 10, 20);

	// Ask for the next animation frame

<p>Click on the grid to draw a circle there.  Click repeatedly on the same point to resize the circle.</p>

<canvas id="game" width="600" height="400"></canvas>
<ul id="pointList" style="font-family:monospace;"></ul>


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